When is the best time to take sea moss?

Mark Reynolds

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when is the best time to take sea moss?

Sea moss, also known as Irish moss or Chondrus crispus, is a type of red algae that grows along the rocky parts of the Atlantic coast. For centuries, sea moss has been used as a traditional remedy thanks to its abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds that offer a range of potential health benefits. Today, sea moss is experiencing a surge in popularity as more people discover its therapeutic properties. But when is the best time to take this marine superfood? Let’s take a closer look at how sea moss works and the optimal timing for consumption.

What is Sea Moss?

Sea moss is a species of red algae belonging to the Rhodophyta family. It gets its nickname “Irish moss” from its abundant growth along the coasts of Ireland. Sea moss thrives in cold, nutrient-dense waters and attaches itself to rocks or other sea vegetation. It has a jelly-like texture thanks to its high concentration of carrageenan, a type of soluble fiber. When exposed to water, carrageenan has a gelatinous effect which allows sea moss to be used as a thickening agent in foods. Dried sea moss is greyish-green in color with a curved, branched shape. It’s commonly sold whole or as a powder. Sea moss is valued for its impressive vitamin and mineral content. It provides a natural source of vitamin A, C, E, K, B-complex vitamins, calcium, potassium, iodine, and more. It also contains unique antioxidants like flavonoids and terpenoids as well as amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient profile is responsible for the wide array of purported benefits linked to sea moss consumption.

What is Sea Moss

Potential Benefits of Sea Moss

With its wealth of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, sea moss has been traditionally used for centuries to promote health and wellbeing in a number of ways. Here are some of the top evidence-based benefits associated with sea moss:

Supports Thyroid Function

Sea moss is one of the best natural sources of iodine, providing 92 out of 102 essential nutrients the body needs. Iodine is integral for thyroid hormone production, making sea moss helpful for supporting thyroid function.

Boosts Immunity

The antioxidants in sea moss fight cellular damage from free radicals while the ample vitamins and minerals support immune cell activity against pathogens. Sea moss may help boost immunity and resilience against illness.

Aids Digestion

Soluble fiber like carrageenan in sea moss acts as a prebiotic that feeds healthy gut bacteria. This aids digestion and helps maintain regularity. Sea moss may also soothe inflammation linked to certain digestive conditions.

Provides Nutrient Density

Dried sea moss contains a very high concentration of essential vitamins and minerals in just small servings. Consuming sea moss helps provide nutrient density that supports overall health.

Improves Skin Health

The vitamins and antioxidants in sea moss nourish the skin from within. Sea moss applied topically may also help hydrate, firm and plump the skin reducing signs of aging.

Eases Respiratory Issues

Traditional medicine has utilized sea moss to help relieve coughs, colds, and bronchitis as the minerals and antioxidants support respiratory health and function. Research on sea moss continues to unveil even more ways that this algae may benefit wellness. But in order to reap the benefits, it’s vital to know the optimal timing and methods for taking sea moss.

when is the best time to take sea moss?

To get the most out of sea moss, there are some key recommendations to follow when it comes to timing and frequency of consumption. Taking sea moss at strategic times allows your body to fully absorb and utilize its nutrients. Let’s go over when the optimal time is to use sea moss for different goals.

best time to take sea moss

Best Time for Thyroid Support

One of the most evidence-backed uses of sea moss is supporting thyroid health thanks to its high iodine content. Iodine is required for the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones T3 and T4 which regulate metabolism. The best time to take sea moss for thyroid benefits is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  Iodine is rapidly absorbed in the stomach when no other foods or supplements are present. Taking 1-2 tablespoons of sea moss gel or powder first thing when you wake up allows the iodine to be readily used by the thyroid gland. This helps replenish iodine stores and provides thyroid support early in the day. Some sources also recommend taking an additional sea moss supplement before bed as studies show our bodies may utilize iodine while we sleep. Aim to get approximately 150 micrograms of iodine daily from sea moss. Split into doses first thing in the morning and before bed to provide thyroid nourishment throughout the day.

Best Time for Digestive Aid 

The soluble fiber and gut-healthy nutrients in sea moss also make it an effective digestive aid. To use sea moss for improved digestion and regularity, it’s best taken about 30 minutes before meals.  Consume 1-2 tablespoons of sea moss gel 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch or dinner. This allows the active ingredients in sea moss to start taking effect in the gut right as you prepare to eat. The sea moss will act as a prebiotic to feed probiotics and enhance digestion of your meal.  You can continue this practice before each meal or use just 1-2 times daily before your largest meals when digestive issues are more likely to flare up. Sea moss works as an excellent digestive aid taking consistently before meals.

Best Time for Immune Support

Sea moss offers antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reinforce immunity. To utilize it for immune health, aim for daily consumption in the morning.  Your immune system is already most active in the morning, so taking sea moss first thing helps provide it with nutrients like vitamin C, zinc and antioxidants to boost functioning. This equips your immune cells to better face any pathogens or inflammation encountered during the day. Consume 1-3 tablespoons daily when you first wake up, on its own or blended into a smoothie. You can pair it with vitamin C-rich lemon juice to further support immune cell activity and defense against pathogens. Taking the sea moss early supplies nutrients that gets absorbed quickly all day.

Best Time for Skin Health

The vitamins and minerals in sea moss nourish the skin, while the antioxidants protect against UV damage and aging. For skin benefits, use sea moss topically and internally. Apply sea moss gel directly to the skin and let sit for 10-20 minutes before rinsing. The nutrients will absorb into the deeper layers to improve hydration and elasticity. Do this daily or several times a week. Also take 1-2 tablespoons of sea moss supplement daily in the morning on an empty stomach. This allows maximum absorption of vitamins and antioxidants to nourish and protect skin cells from within. Consistent internal and topical use will provide optimal skin rejuvenation.

Best Time for Other Goals

Some additional evidence-based uses of sea moss include improving respiratory issues, brain health and mood balance due to its nutrient density. To target any of these, take sea moss supplements once daily in the morning. This ensures your body has the nutrients it needs consistently every day. The bottom line is sea moss can be taken 1-2 times daily, ideally in the morning on an empty stomach. This allows for full absorption of its beneficial nutrients to support various health goals. Track how you feel and adjust frequency and amounts as needed.

How to Take Sea Moss for Maximum Benefits?

When taking sea moss, proper preparation and ingestion methods are key to getting the most out of this therapeutic seaweed. There are several ways to consume sea moss that maximize nutrient absorption and benefits.

Sea Moss for Maximum Benefits

Purchase High Quality Sea Moss

It all starts with purchasing high quality sea moss. Wild harvested, raw sea moss from reputable harvesters is best to ensure potency. Look for organic, sun-dried, non-irradiated sea moss. Check for third party testing for contaminants. Purple colored sea moss may be older and have lower nutrient levels. Optimally, source fresh sea moss harvested seasonally. When possible, avoid pre-made sea moss gels, capsules or products with excessive additives. Making it yourself with minimal ingredients gives you more control over quality. You’ll also save money buying raw sea moss versus packaged products.

Rinse and Soak Sea Moss

Once acquired, rinse fresh sea moss thoroughly under cold water to remove any debris or salt. Inspect the sea moss and remove any damaged pieces or sea creatures. Next soak the sea moss in spring or filtered water for 4-24 hours which helps concentrate the nutrients and reconstitute the seaweed. Some recommend soaking it in alkaline lemon water. Use non-metallic bowls or jars for soaking. Soaking for at least 4 hours hydrates the sea moss, making it easier to blend. But soaking too long can diminish nutrients so don’t exceed 24 hours.

Blend Sea Moss Into Gel

To release the nutrients and make sea moss more bioavailable and digestible, blend it into gel form. Rinse soaked sea moss then place into a blender or food processor along with fresh, purified water.  Blend on high speed until it purees into a smooth, thick gel. Add more water if needed but aim for gel consistency. Blending breaks down the cell walls so your body can better absorb the nutrients. At this stage you can add other ingredients to boost benefits even further. Adding bladderwrack seaweed, cinnamon, vanilla, citrus juice or cacao creates a superfood gel. Refrigerate the sea moss gel in a glass jar up to 5 days. Use 2-4 tablespoons daily in recipes, smoothies, teas or on its own.

Ingest Sea Moss Gel on an Empty Stomach

As covered earlier, ingesting sea moss first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is ideal for absorption. Drink the pre-made gel straight up or add to tea, coffee, oatmeal or non-dairy yogurt. You can also blend sea moss gel into post-workout smoothies, juices or breakfast bowls with fruit to mask the flavor. Even adding it to water, herbal tea or nut milk makes it more palatable. Drink plenty of water after ingesting sea moss to help it pass smoothly through digestive tract. Avoid taking supplements immediately after.

Make Sea Moss Tea

Another simple way to take sea moss is making tea with the dried herb. Add 1-2 tablespoons of dried sea moss to hot water or herbal tea and let steep for 10-15 minutes.  Strain the sea moss then drink the mineral-rich seaweed tea first thing in the morning. The hot water will draw out beneficial compounds in the sea moss so they are easy to absorb. You can also simmer raw sea moss in coconut milk then strain to make a creamy, nourishing beverage. Just be sure not to boil it for too long at high heat as this can degrade nutrients.

Add Sea Moss to Your Diet

Once you get used to the taste and effects of sea moss, consider adding it into your daily diet for sustained benefits. Use sea moss gel as an egg replacement in baked goods, a thickener for sauces, or as a binding agent in veggie burgers, loafs or pates. Blend it into soups, stews, oats, ice cream, rice pudding and non-dairy creams for added nutrition. Get creative with adding this versatile sea superfood into meals while masking the taste in recipes. Taking sea moss consistently in its most bioavailable form allows you to unlock its many healing properties. Follow these best practices to maximize sea moss benefits for your thyroid, digestion, immunity, skin and overall wellbeing.

How to Store Sea Moss and Potential Side Effects

When adding sea moss to your health regimen, proper storage methods are vital for preserving potency. There can also be some potential side effects to be aware of when consuming large amounts. Let’s go over proper storage and safe intake recommendations.

Optimal Storage for Sea Moss

Optimally, sea moss should be stored in a cool, dark place until ready to use. Refrigeration can help extend shelf life. Here are some specific tips:

  • Store dried, raw sea moss in sealed glass jars or resealable bags in a dark pantry or cupboard away from light, heat and moisture. It will keep up to 2 years this way.
  • Refrigerate freshly made sea moss gel in a tightly sealed glass jar up to 5 days. Use clean spoons to scoop out servings to prevent contamination.
  • Frozen sea moss gel in ice cube trays for easy use in smoothies or drinks. Frozen gel will keep up to 6 months in airtight containers. Thaw cubes overnight in the fridge before using.
  • Vacuum seal powdered sea moss in pouches then keep in freezer for maximum freshness up to a year. Protect it from moisture, air exposure and direct sunlight.
  • When buying sea moss supplements like capsules, check expiration date and store per package instructions in a cool, dark spot. Don’t ingest if expired.

Proper storage preserves the delicate vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in sea moss. Exposure to sunlight, humidity, heat or air can degrade the nutrients over time. Follow these tips to retain potency.

Potential Side Effects of Sea Moss

Sea moss is generally very safe, especially when consumed in moderation from a trusted source. However, there are some potential side effects to know about:

  • Excessive sea moss may cause hyperthyroidism if you already get adequate iodine. Discontinue use if this occurs.
  • Too much sea moss can cause diarrhea, cramps or nausea in sensitive people as the soluble fiber acts as a laxative. Reduce amount if this happens.
  • Sea moss may cause allergies, rashes or puffiness in those with shellfish/seafood allergies. Discontinue if you have any symptoms.
  • Sea vegetable like sea moss can contain small amounts of heavy metals from the ocean. Have levels tested annually if ingesting daily.

To avoid potential issues, start with small amounts of sea moss such 1/2 to 1 tablespoon daily. Drink plenty of water and don’t exceed 15 grams a day. Listen to your body, be aware of any symptoms and adjust intake accordingly.

Final Thoughts on Optimizing Sea Moss Usage

In closing, sea moss or Irish moss is a nutrient-dense sea vegetable that offers a range of wellness benefits when used properly. To maximize the benefits, opt for high quality sea moss and prepare as gel, tea or add it to foods. Take 1-2 tablespoons daily, ideally first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Store sea moss properly and be mindful of potential side effects. Used regularly and wisely, sea moss is a valuable addition to any health regimen. The key is sourcing high quality sea moss and using it in the most bioavailable ways to allow your body to fully utilize its nutrients. Consider adding this ancient ocean superfood into your routine to take advantage of its many therapeutic properties and support optimal wellbeing.

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